Tear Trough Filler
Tear Trough Filler

Filler Packages

Refresh Fillers

The Eye Refresh: Eye aye

A mini refresh of the upper face to make you look noticeably refreshed so you can look like the best version of you. You will look refreshed even on those days where you’re feeling tired. This involves cheeks and tear trough rejuvenation, 2ml package, priced at £450.

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Rejuvenate Fillers

The Triangle of Beauty

A combination of significant revolumising deflated areas of the face to ensure you maintain an oval shaped face by restoring and enhancing your existing features. This incorporates any area excluding non-surgical rhinoplasty, typically treating the temple, cheeks and chin. 3ml package priced at £700.

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Revitalise Fillers

Revitalise & Profile Balancing - The Ideal Selfie

Extravagantly revolumises and contours angles, a full face treatment to balance your profile. This incorporates treatment to all areas including tear troughs, cheeks, nasolabial folds, non-surgical rhinoplasty, marionettes and perioral rejuvenation. 4ml package, priced at £800.

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dermal filler

Profile Balancing

A wonderful package to revitailse your features and perfect your side profile. This includes the full range of areas such as temple, tear trough, nose, chin, lips and cheeks. Typically up to 5mls, priced at £1000.

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Full face rejuvenation package, 12ml
Full face rejuvenation package, 12ml

Signature Filler Package

The ultimate package which extravagantly revolumises and contours angles, a full face treatment to balance your profile. In addition, anti-wrinkle injections and skin boosting treatments will be incorporated in order to treat all layers of the face that are prone to ageing. Anti wrinkle injections and skin boosters will be performed at separate appointments. Typically up to 8mls, priced at £1250.

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Aftercare Advice for Fillers

Pain; This can occur during the procedure and you may have some tenderness for several hours to days after the procedure. In most cases, the pain eases after 72 hours however if you find the pain is not settling or is getting worse after the procedure, this is a reason to contact the clinic for an assessment.

Swelling; There is often swelling immediately and for several days after the procedure. swelling tends to settle within 72 hours and the fillers are usually well integrated within a 2 week period.

Bruising; This is one of the commonest complications of all aesthetic procedures, a needle that punctures the skin can ultimately result in a bruise. Bruising is usually evident immediately and some can develop after the procedure. This will settle within a few days or up to 1 week. Different areas are more likely to bruise than others so don’t be alarmed if this occurs.
To help prevent bruising, arnica tablets are useful to take several days before and after the procedure.

Safety net; If you feel unwell or if you notice that any pain you had during the procedure is increasing later in the day, this is an indication to contact the clinic for a review.
This is also the case should you notice any areas of skin looking pale in appearance or a dusky red colour.
At any stage, if you have a concern or feel unwell after your procedure, please
don’t hesitate to contact the clinic for advice, we would rather know if there are any issues sooner rather than later so never feel worried about “being a bother” as we would rather be bothered than not.

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