PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) for Hair thinning, loss or post hair transplant

We have been quite quiet on the PRP front as we have introduced so may treatments in to the clinic, we have lost sight of those amazing treatments that we offered long ago.

We are revamping our PRP treatments to bring them in line with our current services to complement them or to be used as a standalone service. We use one of the best PRP devices in the industry, RegenBCT® tubes and accessories for blood collection and PRP recovery.

We have had a large number of enquiries for PRP being used for hair thinning, hair loss or injections post hair transplant.


What is PRP?

PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) therapy is a popular treatment often used in conjunction with hair transplant procedures to promote hair growth and accelerate the healing process. Here’s a general protocol for PRP after a hair transplant:


Timing of PRP Sessions:

Typically, PRP sessions are scheduled at regular intervals following the hair transplant surgery. These intervals usually range from 4 to 6 weeks, depending on the surgeon’s recommendation.
First PRP Session:

The first PRP session is usually scheduled within 1-2 weeks after the hair transplant surgery. This e

arly session help

s enhance healing and reduce inflammation.
Subsequent PRP Sessions:

Following the initial session, subsequent PRP sessions are scheduled as per the agreed-upon plan (e.g., every 4-6 weeks).
Number of Sessions:

The total number of PRP sessions varies depending on the surgeon’s recommendation and the patient’s specific needs. Typically, patients may undergo 3-4 PRP sessions in the first year post-transplant.
Maintenance PRP:

After the first year, maintenance PRP sessions may be recommended on a semi-annual or annual basis to sustain hair growth and overall hair health.


Procedure for PRP:
A small amount of blood is drawn from the patients arm, the blood is then spun using a centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma from other components. The platelet-rich plasma is then injected into the scalp in and around the transplanted area and other areas with thinning or weak hair.


Recovery and Care:
Patients are generally advised to avoid washing their hair for at least 24 hours after the PRP treatment to allow for absorption of the platelets.
It’s important to follow any post-PRP care instructions provided by the hair transplant surgeon or medical staff.
It’s crucial to follow your surgeon’s specific instructions and personalised treatment plan for PRP after a hair transplant.

They will tailor the protocol to your individual needs and the progress of your recovery. Dr Wass will oversee the PRP aspect post procedure and perform the procedure himself.

To book in, please use the online booking platform and we can get you started on your journey.

Dr Wass and team